
Customer Testimonials

thomas davis

They were great!

Norman Zhou

We worked with Michael and we are super happy about his help. The new roof looks fantastic we really love it! It took only one day and nothing to complain. Thank you guys so much for the hard working.

Juana Jimenez

Thanks to my neighbor that referred me to "Keeping You Dry Roofing". They are everything you would want in a roofing company. Great Quality, Value, Professional, Punctuality, Responsive and went above and beyond in Communication. From the point of estimate with Mike to financing with Julie to the roofing team to the end of the project you can be certain that this team cares and value their customers and want to make sure the service they provided is to your satisfaction. I strongly and highly recommend calling "Keep You Dry Roofing" and guarantee you will be very happy with the great value and care they give to their customers. I have a great new roof in Saint Cloud, Florida!!

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